Monday, March 31, 2014

Christian Responses to Christ Myth Theories


Jesus vs. Mithra

Jesus vs. Horus

Jesus vs. Dionysus

Jesus vs. Serapis

Jesus vs. Krishna

Jesus vs. Attis

Jesus vs. Zalmoxis

Horus Ruins Christmas

Did Early Christians Borrow From Pagan Myths? - Dr. Mike Licona

Did Jesus Really Exist? (or HERE)
by J. P. Holding

Jesus rising from the dead - pagan myths? 
by Mike Licona (1)

The Christ Myth - Was Jesus a Pagan Copycat?
by J.P. Holding

Was the Resurrection Story of Jesus borrowed from Pagan Mythology?
from CARM

Was Jesus a Myth? Part 1 of  the Debate between
James White and Dan Barker

What About Pre-Christ Resurrection Myths?
by William Lane Craig

Was the story of Jesus rising from the dead borrowed from pagan myths?

Was Jesus a Copycat of Pagan Myths?


Zeitgeist Refuted Final Cut (Full Movie)
( I don't know how accurate or scholarly the above response to the Zeitgeist movie is)

Jesus and Pagan Mythology Q & A with William Lane Craig (question #90)

Did Christianity Steal from Mystery Religions? 
by Lenny Esposito (MP3 Audio )

Essay: Christianity and Other Ancient Religions by Stephen J. Bedard

 Were Bible stories and characters stolen from pagan myths?
by J.P. Holding

The Price of Playing with a Bulldog: The Case Againt the Case Against the Case for Christ
by J.P. Holding

 Mithra vs. Jesus
by J.P. Holding

Randel Helms' "Gospel Fictions": A Critique

Good question......was Jesus Christ just a CopyCat Savior Myth?
Part A and Part B
by Glenn Miller (website)

Is Jesus a Rank-Raglan Myth-Hero? (Or is Carrier a Scholar-Legend?)

Krishna & Christ

Easter: Myth, Hallucination, or History?

Undermining Richard Carrier's version of the Christ Myth Hypothesis

When an Argument from Silence Becomes Utterly Meaningless

I [Richard Carrier] still find many of his [Robert Price's] claims under-documented and his arguments often weaker than they need to be, his methods are often a cipher, and he is bad at clarifying (e.g. he will defend many different mutually-contradictory theories without explaining what we are supposed to conclude from the fact that he does that, such as whether he thinks they are all equally likely or whether he thinks some are more likely than others but that all are more likely than historicity, or if he even thinks they are more likely than historicity rather than only just as likely or unlikely but likely enough to be uncertain of historicity, etc.; and that’s not the only confusion Price will lead you into, it’s just the one that I often notice the most). He also never thoroughly defends a single coherent theory of Christian origins, making him a moving target for critics (contrast with Doherty, who does a generally good job at this, and is the best mythicist to read, although he still stubbornly falls short of dissertation quality argumentation and just complains when I say that rather than trying to work out how to formulate and document arguments in a way that would pass a fair peer review–such as learning to stop crowding strong arguments with weak arguments, and instead drop the weak arguments and just shore up the strong arguments).

I [Bart Ehrman] should say that one of the things that struck me, quite forcefully, in the aftermath of the publication of the book, was just how virulent, mean-spirited, and militant some atheists can be. The hate-mail and hate-response that I received for this book from the far left was absolutely as vehement as the hate-mail and hate-response that I have received for other books from the far right. It’s not easy being a historian, wanting simply to know what happened in the past, when so many have so many vested interests in having things their own way. Many of the mythicists are simply fundamentalists of a different stripe. Or so I’ve experienced!

Regarding Christ Mythicists, ATHEIST researcher Tim O'Neill said, "When you're talking about [Mythicists] people like [Earl] Doherty, [Richard] Carrier and I would argue [Robert M.] Price. And then some of the lesser lights. People like [Dave] Fitzgerald, and [Raphael] Lataster and so on... Many of these people...I get the impression, many of these people get a lot of psychological energy from being right and everyone else being wrong. Being contrarians. Richard Carrier does strike me as someone who has a lot invested in, "I'm smarter than everyone else. Everyone else is wrong about Mythicism. I'm right." And he's got about five or six other historical topics on which he is the only person in the world who seems to have gotten it right according to Richard Carrier. So it's interesting that that is a pattern there. Robert Price will endore pretty much any thesis that is contrary to the mainstream...........So there is an element of contrarianism to a lot of [Christ] Mythicism. "

See Atheist Tim O'Neill's website History for Atheists for more on how he debunks atheist myths regarding Jesus and Christianity.

See also the resources at the following links:

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