Sunday, February 28, 2021

Greg Bahnsen on Michael Martin's Atheism


Van Tillian presuppositionalist Greg Bahnsen's 14 part lecture review and critique of Michael Martin's book "Atheism: A Philosophical Justification". Bahnsen was also scheduled to debate Michael Martin. The debate ended up being cancelled but Bahnsen showed up anyway and presented a lecture that would have been the basis for his arguments in the debate. I'm not sure whether the 14 part lecture series was given before or after the debate lecture.

Michael Martin Under the Microsope [14 part lecture series reviewing Martin's book, "Atheism: A Philosophical Justification"]      Link HERE

The Debate That Never Was PART 1

The Debate that Never Was PART 2

Description: Dr. Bahnsen and atheist scholar Dr. Michael Martin were scheduled to debate the truth of Christian theism at Rhodes College in Memphis, TN. Two weeks before the scheduled debate, citing his opposition to having the debate recorded for public distribution, Dr. Martin declined to debate. Dr. Bahnsen traveled to Memphis anyway and presented a lecture on atheism, exposing the weakness of Dr. Martin's published attack on Christian theism.

More Greg Bahnsen mp3s are freely downloadable at both as well as at the Bahnsen Project at

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