"...contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints."- Jude 1:3

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Is Yahweh a Junior God?

The following question was asked in a Facebook Group I'm in. 

How would you respond to this argument?

We can't know for sure that Yahweh isn't a junior God who has been given part of the universe to run by the Supreme God and he has claimed more about himself than is actually true.

The following was my brief answer with working and added links:

Before I do some apologetics, ultimately, as James Anderson has said, the CHRISTIAN acquires certainty of the truth of Christianity when the external testimony of Scripture (or Scriptural truth) is coupled with the infallible internal testimony of the Holy Spirit. Or as Van Til said (alluding to the WCF), "I believe in this infallible book, in the last analysis, because 'of the inward work of the Holy Spirit, bearing witness by and with the word in my heart.' "

The Internal Testimony of the Holy Spirit by James N. Anderson


We have no positive reason to think that's there is a God above Yahweh. We do have positive reason to think that Yahweh is the true God [see basic apologetical works]. These type of scenarios are often posited hypothetically because, allegedly Yahweh is an unjust God. But if another God [let's call him Ultimate God or UGod for short] higher and more powerful than Yahweh were "more" just, merciful and powerful, why isn't that God preventing Yahweh from committing the [alleged] atrocities he's doing? Why isn't UGod judging Yahweh and/or preventing Yahweh from allegedly making a mess of our universe? UGod must then have a similar sense of justice and mercy as Yahweh in his allowing the suffering/evil/sin in the world that he does and in delaying justice to a future eschatological Judgment Day. As non-Christians often say, justice delayed is justice denied. Yet, UGod is delaying justice in the same way as Yahweh is. And so, there's no rational reason to postulate a higher God above Yahweh. We might as well stay with Yahweh as per the principle of Occam's Razor/parsimony whereby we ought not to multiply entities beyond necessity.

If the argument about UGod were being based on the virtually universal Semitic conception(s) of a Divine Council, why couldn't Yahweh be that supreme God? Even Mike Heiser suggests this, and conservative Christians like Darrell Bock and Doug Wilson [et al] think there's some truth to Heiser's Divine Council thesis. Baal is arguably the most widely worshipped Semitic God previously, yet Baal worshippers have dwindled to insignificance.



The fact that those other Semitic gods have been virtually discarded and thrown into the dustbin of history such that very few people worship them any longer, while the three largest monotheistic religions on earth [Judaism, Christianity and Islam] are all Abrahamic should be telling. That Christianity is the most popular religion on Earth would be an inductive data point of evidence [not proof] that that the Christian God might be the true God. Christianity is the largest world religion. With 2.3 BILLION professing adherents. Add to that the 1.8 billion Muslims and the 14.7 million Jews and that's over 4.11 billion people out of 7.75 billion people who claim to follow Abraham's God. That's over half of the world population.

Judaism and Islam are clearly false conceptions of the God of Abraham when one does the apologetical investigation. BTW, the Roman Pantheon of gods, and the Greek Pantheon of gods are also for the most part forgotten. But admittedly, inductive inference doesn't get to certainty. There was also a time when Christianity was a small insignificant religion. Hindu gods are still being worshipped.

But Christianity is only still growing and making progress. Christianity is growing as expected given postmillennial interpretations of prophecy. As Daniel 2:35 states, the rock that was carved without hands is progressively growing to fill the whole earth/land that was once occupied by the former kingdoms which were represented by the image of Nebuchadnezzar and destroyed by that stone. Just as Jesus predicted that the kingdom of God is like leaven that eventually leavens the whole lump of dough. Or like the mustard seed in Jesus' parable that grows to be " larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches." Which is a clear allusion to the tree representing Nebuchadnezzar's widespread kingdom in his dream [Dan. 4:10ff.]. 


See these related blogs:

An Orthodox Jew Questions Two Comings of the Messiah Answered by Dr. Michael Brown

What Do You Think About The Messiah?

Did the New Testament's Prophecies and Predictions Regarding Jesus' Soon Return Fail?

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Should We Want God to Exist? Dr. Liz Jackson


Philosopher Liz Jackson discusses whether we should want God to exist.

Should We Want God to Exist? Dr. Liz Jackson

An Astronomer's Quest by Hugh Ross


The following video is astrophysicist and Christian apologist Hugh Ross' lectures at one of the DECIDE Conferences. The lectures have been spliced together into one large 7 1/4 hours long video. One of my criticism of Hugh Ross is that he sometimes make overly dogmatic claims that surpass what the evidence actually would suggest. That he needs to be more modest in  his claims, less loose and more precise, measured and nuanced statements. Especially where some of his claims are grounded in speculation. For example, he'll say that everyone acknowledges the reality of fine-tuning. Actually, there are some scientists who dispute or at least question the reality of fine-tuning. If he were more precise and nuanced in his statements, he's say that most scientists acknowledge the apparent fine-tuning. And some who do might appeal to the multiverse to explain the fine-tuning away. See my blog, "Problems with the Multiverse" Ross also sometimes commits versions of the Texas Sharpshooter fallacy. Nevertheless, much of the evidences he presents, both individually and collectively, are suggestive of the existence of a cosmic designer, if one evaluates them more circumspectly.



Monday, November 15, 2021

Responding to Marcus Aurelius' Famous Quote


"Live a good life. If there are Gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are Gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no Gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." - Marcus Aurelius [purportedly]

Wikipedia says this is misattribution HERE.

Nevertheless, here's a quick response to a meme I saw on facebook.

If there is no God, then in all likelihood there are no objective standard of nobility. See William Lane Craig's video on godless Platonic realism here:

Is Atheistic Moral Platonism More Plausible Than Theism?

Also, your life will not live on in the memories of your loved ones because they too will one day die. Most people don't even know the names of their great, great, grandparents.

If God does exist, and He's PERFECTLY holy and just, then in His justice He must punish us for our sins (no matter how small or seemingly insignificant to us). In His mercy, He's free to grant provision of salvation as found in Christianity where the Cross of Christ is the manifestation and intersection of both God's justice and mercy.

If God or the gods were unjust, then it makes prudential sense, out of enlightened self-interest, to do those things that keep you on his/hers/their good side. Most people already do so with regard to nonsensical governmental laws and regulation just to make their lives smoother. For atheists to claim they'd rather go to hell than serve or obey an ruthless powerful deity is a lie. Most can't even muster the guts to resist the finite power and finite knowledge of human government. Yet, they'd genuinely be willing to resist a being of extreme, maybe even omnipotent & omniscient, power and knowledge? They're lying to themselves. They already bend like a willow to limited governmental tyranny.

If polytheism were true, then the conflicting interests of the gods make morality relative [cf. the Euthyphro Dilemma]. Like how the purposes of the god of war clash with the purposes of the goddess of love in the Roman and Greek pantheon [i.e. Mars/Ares vs. Venus/Aphrodite]. Whereas in a "perfect being" monotheism, Divine Command Essentialism could be true whereby virtues flow from God's good nature, while God's commands flow from His voluntary prescriptions which reflect His good nature. Solving the problems of both divine essentialism and divine voluntarism by combining them.   

I've written more on the topic of the last paragraph here:
God in Relation to Law: Ex Lex, Sub Lego or Sibi Ipsi Lex  

Friday, November 12, 2021

One God or Many Universes? Stephen Meyer Explores How Fine-Tuning Points to Intelligent Design


Stephen C. Meyer discusses the multiverse and the existence of God. Which better explains cosmic fine-tuning?

One God or Many Universes? Stephen Meyer Explores How Fine-Tuning Points to Intelligent Design

Thursday, November 11, 2021

'Bara' in Genesis 1:1 and 'Creatio Ex Nihilo': A Response to Michael Heiser by Dr. Tony Costa and Rev. Anthony Rogers


Hebrew scholar Michael Heiser has argued that Genesis 1:1 more likely does not teach Creation Ex Nihilo. In the following video Tony Costa and Anthony Rogers argues for why the traditional reading is more likely.

'Bara' in Genesis 1:1 and 'Creatio Ex Nihilo'. Dr. Tony Costa and Rev. Anthony Rogers

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Responses to Dr. Richard Howe’s Alleged Refutation of Presuppositional Apologetics


The following link has various video responses to Richard Howe's attempted refutation of presuppositional apologetics.


Debate Resolution: There is Good Reason to Believe That the Christian God Exists [atheist Michael Long vs. Christian presuppositionalist Chris Bolt]

The following debate is between an atheist Michael Long and Christian Van Tillian presuppositionalist Chris Bolt.

Debate | Michael Long vs Chris Bolt Reasons To Think The Christian God Exists

Download mp3 HERE

Paul within Judaism Symposium


The following is Parts 1-4 of a symposium on the Apostle Paul within Judaism that includes various scholars. Including Michael Bird.

Paul within Judaism Symposium - Part 1

The Age-Old Philosophical Problem of the One and the Many in Relation to the Trinity Addressed by Anthony Rogers


Anthony Rogers addresses the age-old philosophical problem of the one and the many and how the Christian doctrine of the Trinity helps solve the problem. He does this from a presuppositionalist point of view.

The Problem of the One and the Many w/Anthony Rogers

Atheist Stephen Woodford on the Definition(s) of "Atheism"


Even though I'm a Van Tillian presuppositionalist, I'm not dogmatic on the standard view among Van Tillians that all humans know God exists. Though, I do believe that all humans (at the very least) ought to know that God exists. For why I take this position, see this article, Do All Men Know that God Exists? by Paul Manata.

Below is (atheist) Stephen excellent video on the definition(s) of atheism which I highly recommend. He points out that in philosophical circles/communities atheism is defined as the belief in the non-existence of God/gods. While in non-philosophical circles/communities it's usually defined as a lack of a belief in God/gods. See also my blog where I quote some definitions of atheism from philosophical works HERE

The 100% REAL Definition of Atheism