"...contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints."- Jude 1:3

Monday, December 28, 2020

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Science Against Abortion


Science Against Abortion

See also the links and sources in the video's description. They include peer-reviewed papers.


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Divorce and Remarriage by Mike Winger


The topic of divorce and remarriage is one I'm not well informed on. Since I respect Mike Winger as a knowledgeable pastor, I suspect much of what he says on the topic is true. So, without having watched all the videos yet, I recommend his videos to help others think through the issues and come to their own conclusions and convictions as to what the Bible teaches concerning the topic.

Divorce and Remarriage: Everything Scripture Says
by Mike Winger

Jesus on Divorce by J.P. Holding

Wayne Grudem is a theologian who I HIGHLY respect. He recently changed his mind on a specific issue of divorce. See the following article at Christianity Today:

Wayne Grudem Changes Mind About Divorce in Cases of Abuse

What the Bible Teaches about Divorce and Remarriage by Paul Carter

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus by William Lane Craig

Skeptics often claim that the New Testament evidence and extra-Biblical evidence isn't clear enough to conclude that the early Christians were positively claiming Jesus' resurrection body was physical rather than spiritual. William Lane Craig addresses that charge in the following article:

The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus by William Lane Craig 


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Nontraditional Arguments for Theism with Joe Schmid

I discovered a brilliant agnostic named Joe Schmid when he debated Randal Rauser where both of them played Devil's Advocate for the view they don't hold. So Schmid as an agnostic argued for theism and Rauser who is a professed Christian argued for atheism. In the following videos Joe Schmid lists and explains some nontraditional arguments for theism. Many of them are consistent with presuppositionalism and other apologetical methods like classical apologetics.

Nontraditional Arguments for Theism (Part 1/2)

Nontraditional Arguments for Theism (Part 2/2)

 New Atheism and its Critics

Joe Schmid's YouTube channel: Majesty of Reason

Joe Schmid's Devil's Advocate debate with Randal Rauser:

GOD DEBATE: Randal Rauser the Atheist vs Joe Schmid the Theist

I recommend reading the critiques of Randal Rauser's progressive version of "Christianity" by the late Steve Hays and other bloggers at Triablogue: https://triablogue.blogspot.com/search/label/Randal%20Rauser

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Does God change His mind? Is Open Theism true?

Bruce Ware addresses some of the problems of Open Theism in this ~14 minute video.

 Does God change His mind? Is Open Theism true?

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Atheist Alex O'Connor [AKA "CosmicSkeptic"] discusses the Kalam Cosmological Argument with William Lane Craig

Popular YouTube atheist Alex O'Connor [AKA "CosmicSkeptic"] discusses the Kalam Cosmological Argument with William Lane Craig.

William Lane Craig and CosmicSkeptic Discuss The Kalam Cosmological Argument

After the interview Alex made a video debunking his former ill-informed objections to the the Kalam Cosmological Argument on account of reading the best formulations and on account of his personal interview on Craig.


Thursday, June 18, 2020

Is Christianity the "White Man's Religion"? Why it is NOT!

3 Reasons Why Christianity is NOT the White Man's Religion (The REAL Black History!)

3 Quick Reasons Christianity is NOT the White Man's Religion (w/ Tru ID)

DEBATE: Would God Allow Evil? CosmicSkeptic vs InspiringPhilosophy

Being a Calvinist I wouldn't use all of the arguments that Michael Jones uses in this debate. Nevertheless, in my opinion Michael Jones won the debate. Though, Alex O'Connor did a pretty good job as well. Decide for yourself.

DEBATE: Would God Allow Evil? @CosmicSkeptic vs @InspiringPhilosophy

See also this debate review:

Reviewing the @InspiringPhilosophy vs @CosmicSkeptic Debate on God and Evil

The Fate of Jesus' Apostles an interview with Sean McDowell

People can die for what they sincerely believe to be true. However, few people are willing to die for what they were in a position to know to be false. The earliest disciples and apostles of Jesus were in a position to know whether Jesus really died and really rose again from the dead. If they were willing to suffer loss and persecution, even death, for their claims that they saw the resurrected Jesus [not merely an empty tomb], then that would suggest it is more probable that Jesus actually did rise from the dead. In the following interview Sean McDowell share the evidence for whether the Apostles were willing to die for their faith, and the evidence of how many may have actually died as martyrs.

LIVE with Sean McDowell: The Fate of Jesus' Apostles

Should Christians Use the Argument from Martyrdom? A Reply to Bart Ehrman by Jonathan McLatchie

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Does Math Point to God? Discussion Between William Lane Craig & Graham Oppy

Christian apologist William Lane Craig has described atheist Graham Oppy as "scary smart" on multiple occasions. After many years of people waiting for the two to either debate or discuss a topic live, they finally have a live public discussion on the subject of whether mathematics in physics point the existence of God.

Does Math Point to God? William Lane Craig + Graham Oppy

A Simple Breakdown of the Craig vs Oppy Debate on Math and God

William Lane Craig responds to Stephen Woodford's criticisms.

Has an Atheist Debunked Wigner's Argument from Mathematics??
or here:
 Has Dr. Craig's Mathematical Argument for God Been "Debunked"?

Handicapping the Craig/Oppy debate by Steve Hays

Who Won The Craig vs. Carroll Debate? A Debate Review

A Review of Craig vs Carroll

Here's the original EPIC debate:

William Lane Craig and Sean Carroll | "God and Cosmology" | 2014 Greer Heard Forum

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Critique of Leighton Flowers on Total Inability

Lutheran Jordan Cooper exposes Leighton Flowers' misundestandings of Calvinism and of Total Inability. Total Inability is held by many Christian denominations and sects besides Calvinism.

A Critique of Leighton Flowers on Total Inability

Defining Pelagianism and Semipelagianism (A Further Response to Leighton Flowers)

See also:

A Top Calvinist Answers Objections By Top Anti-Calvinists

As a Calvinist I nevertheless recommend the following article that points out that Arminians believe in Total Depravity and Total Inability just as much as Calvinists do:

Once More Unto the Breach: Total Depravity and Total Inability

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Jonathan McLatchie Responds to Richard Carrier's Objections to Undesigned Coincidences

Rounding Off My Response to Richard Carrier On Undesigned Coincidences (Part 6) by Jonathan McLatchie

Part 6 links to parts 1-5.

See also the links and videos at my blogpost:

Undesigned Scriptural Coincidences

Is the Exodus History? A Conversation with Dr. Titus Kennedy

Is the Exodus History? A Conversation with Dr. Titus Kennedy


EP29: Egyptian Evidence for the Exodus w/ Dr. Titus Kennedy and Dr. Steve Meyer, Discovery Institute

 Lecture by Dr. James Hoffmeier

Lecture by Dr. Steven Collins - 
Confirming the Bible Through Archaeology

Nothing Fails Like Bible History (REBUTTED) by Trent Horn

Exodus Rediscovered: Documentary by Michael Jones

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Top Calvinist Answers Objections By Top Anti-Calvinists

Calvinist Guillaume Bignon interviewed and responds to the objections given by his anti-Calvinist friends Leighton Flowers, Tim Stratton, & Braxton Hunter.

French Calvinist Philosopher Responds to Critics [3/28/2020]

(Part 2): Guillaume Responds to Leighton Flowers, Tim Stratton, & Braxton Hunter. [5/2/2020]

A critical review and fairly comprehensive refutation of“Human Freedom, Divine Knowledge, and Mere Molinism”by Timothy A. Stratton by Guillaume Bignon [or HERE]

The three critics joined together to respond to the first video on their respective channels. Part 2 of Bignon's interview occurred after the following videos were post. So, if you want to watch the videos chronologically, watch Part 2 after watching the following three videos below.

Determinism refuted Biblically [4/3/2020]

Determinism Refuted Theologically [4/10/2020]

Determinism Refuted Philosophically [4/17/2020]

Sunday, April 26, 2020

One of the "Best" Cases For Evolution From the Fossil Record Is Not As Strong As Is Commonly Believed

A Whale of an Evolution Tale

Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came To Die by John Piper

A must read for all non-Christians and Christians alike. Even theologically seasoned Christians should read the book to refresh their memories and refresh their hearts regarding the glorious reasons why Jesus Christ came to die on the Cross. The book was formerly titled, The Passion of Jesus Christ.

Freely Available:

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Did Adam and Eve Live Recently? William Lane Craig + Joshua Swamidass

Apparently, it's is no longer the case that the scientific evidence rules out the possibility of a literal Adam and Eve. Whether that's ~750,000 or even ~6,000 years ago. See also Joshua Swamidass' book, The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry. As well as the future book to be written by both Dr. William Lane Craig and Dr. Joshua Swamidass.

Did Adam and Eve Live Recently? William Lane Craig + Joshua Swamidass

The cover of Dr. Swamidass' book

see also:

Is Adam Historical? A Conversation with Two Scientists Joshua Swamidass and Fazale Rana

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Case Against John Loftus on Miracles

Tyler Vela of The Freed Thinker Podcast reviews John Loftus' new anthology, The Case Against Miracles. Two videos in the series are already up. I've linked to them below. Visit the channel periodically to check out further installments.

Case Against Loftus on Miracles - Part 1 (Forward)

Case Against Loftus on Miracles - Part 2 (Introduction)

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Matt Dillahunty vs Inspiring Philosophy: Debate Review

Braxton Hunter reviews the debate between atheist Matt Dillahunty and Christian InspiringPhilosophy [AKA Michael Jones]. Hunter exposes the tired schtick of Matt Dillahunty using his personal skepticism to evade all evidence for God and to claim that the theist can't win the debate merely because he's  not personally persuaded. As if his personal persuasion were the mark by which we can tell who won a debate. I've collected some of InspiringPhilosophy's videos on Divine/Theistic Quantum Idealism HERE.

Matt Dillahunty vs Inspiring Philosophy: Debate Review

Original Debate:

DEBATE: Dillahunty Vs InspiringPhilosophy | Are There Good Reasons to Believe in God?

Does Intrinsic Religiosity Produce A Net Positive Or A Net Negative Effect On Society

A Discussion Between Doubt and Devout 
Matt Dillahunty and Michael Jones/InspiringPhilosophy

Is Christianity Dangerous? - BBC Debate Aron Ra vs. Michael Jones/InspiringPhilosophy

Monday, January 20, 2020

Did Christianity give us our human values? Tom Holland & (atheist) A.C. Grayling Discuss

Tom Holland & AC Grayling • History: Did Christianity give us our human values?

How St Paul changed the world (Full Show)
NT Wright & Tom Holland •

Have science, reason and humanism replaced faith? 
 Steven Pinker vs Nick Spencer

See also my blogpost:

The Dark Ages Were Not As Dark As You Have Been Led To Believe

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Some Atheists Are Sounding the Alarm that the Decline of Christianity is Hurting Society

Atheists sound the alarm: Decline of Christianity is seriously hurting society

Why Islam’s rise has caused atheists to urge West not to abandon Christianity

Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, Douglas Murray, and how to fix Western Civilization

 “There are no Christians, as far as I know, blowing up buildings. I am not aware of any Christian suicide bombers. I am not aware of any major Christian denomination that believes the penalty for apostasy is death. I have mixed feelings about the decline of Christianity, in so far as Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse.”- Richard Dawkins
[alleged source "Scandal and schism leave Christians praying for a ‘new Reformation’" by Ruth Gledhill, The Times, 06 April 2010.]

Before we rejoice at the death throes of the relatively benign Christian religion, let’s not forget Hilaire Belloc’s menacing rhyme: “Always keep a-hold of nurse, For fear of finding something worse.”- Richard Dawkins tweet March 21, 2018

No, that's not true. Not true. Vast numbers of Christians do not believe that if you leave the Christian religion you should be killed for it. Vast numbers of Christians do not treat women as second class citizens. Vast numbers of Christians ---- do not believe if you draw a picture of Jesus Christ you should get killed for it. So yes, does ISIS do Khmer Rouge-like activities where they just kill people indiscriminately who aren't just like them? Yes. And would most Muslim people in the world do that or condone that? No.................But I mean in Mecca where infidels, non-Muslims, are not even allowed in the holy parts of the city. I mean, right there, we don't have that example in other religions. They do behead people. Now if they were beheading people in Vatican City, which is the equivalent of Mecca, don't you think there would be a bigger outcry about it? So this is the soft bigotry of low expectations with Muslim people. When they do crazy things and believe crazy things, somehow it's not talked about nearly as much. -
See Bill Maher's conversation with Charlie Rose:
Bill Maher gets into a debate with Charlie Rose on why Islam is more violent than Christianity

Ben Affleck, Sam Harris and Bill Maher Debate Radical Islam | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Bill Maher says all religions are "stupid and dangerous" but that at the present time Islam is more dangerous than Christianity.
They're all 'stupid and dangerous': Bill Maher explains why he criticizes religion

Ben Shapiro: The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority