"...contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints."- Jude 1:3

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Does Math Point to God? Discussion Between William Lane Craig & Graham Oppy

Christian apologist William Lane Craig has described atheist Graham Oppy as "scary smart" on multiple occasions. After many years of people waiting for the two to either debate or discuss a topic live, they finally have a live public discussion on the subject of whether mathematics in physics point the existence of God.

Does Math Point to God? William Lane Craig + Graham Oppy

A Simple Breakdown of the Craig vs Oppy Debate on Math and God

William Lane Craig responds to Stephen Woodford's criticisms.

Has an Atheist Debunked Wigner's Argument from Mathematics??
or here:
 Has Dr. Craig's Mathematical Argument for God Been "Debunked"?

Handicapping the Craig/Oppy debate by Steve Hays

Who Won The Craig vs. Carroll Debate? A Debate Review

A Review of Craig vs Carroll

Here's the original EPIC debate:

William Lane Craig and Sean Carroll | "God and Cosmology" | 2014 Greer Heard Forum

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Critique of Leighton Flowers on Total Inability

Lutheran Jordan Cooper exposes Leighton Flowers' misundestandings of Calvinism and of Total Inability. Total Inability is held by many Christian denominations and sects besides Calvinism.

A Critique of Leighton Flowers on Total Inability

Defining Pelagianism and Semipelagianism (A Further Response to Leighton Flowers)

See also:

A Top Calvinist Answers Objections By Top Anti-Calvinists

As a Calvinist I nevertheless recommend the following article that points out that Arminians believe in Total Depravity and Total Inability just as much as Calvinists do:

Once More Unto the Breach: Total Depravity and Total Inability

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Jonathan McLatchie Responds to Richard Carrier's Objections to Undesigned Coincidences

Rounding Off My Response to Richard Carrier On Undesigned Coincidences (Part 6) by Jonathan McLatchie

Part 6 links to parts 1-5.

See also the links and videos at my blogpost:

Undesigned Scriptural Coincidences

Is the Exodus History? A Conversation with Dr. Titus Kennedy

Is the Exodus History? A Conversation with Dr. Titus Kennedy


EP29: Egyptian Evidence for the Exodus w/ Dr. Titus Kennedy and Dr. Steve Meyer, Discovery Institute

 Lecture by Dr. James Hoffmeier

Lecture by Dr. Steven Collins - 
Confirming the Bible Through Archaeology

Nothing Fails Like Bible History (REBUTTED) by Trent Horn

Exodus Rediscovered: Documentary by Michael Jones

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Top Calvinist Answers Objections By Top Anti-Calvinists

Calvinist Guillaume Bignon interviewed and responds to the objections given by his anti-Calvinist friends Leighton Flowers, Tim Stratton, & Braxton Hunter.

French Calvinist Philosopher Responds to Critics [3/28/2020]

(Part 2): Guillaume Responds to Leighton Flowers, Tim Stratton, & Braxton Hunter. [5/2/2020]

A critical review and fairly comprehensive refutation of“Human Freedom, Divine Knowledge, and Mere Molinism”by Timothy A. Stratton by Guillaume Bignon [or HERE]

The three critics joined together to respond to the first video on their respective channels. Part 2 of Bignon's interview occurred after the following videos were post. So, if you want to watch the videos chronologically, watch Part 2 after watching the following three videos below.

Determinism refuted Biblically [4/3/2020]

Determinism Refuted Theologically [4/10/2020]

Determinism Refuted Philosophically [4/17/2020]