"...contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints."- Jude 1:3

Monday, July 11, 2022

Modern Theology and Biblical Criticism by C.S. Lewis

The following essay addresses the issue of whether the story of Jesus could have been pure fiction. This is important because a common objection to C.S. Lewis' famous "Liar, Lunatic, or Lord" Argument is that Lewis failed to address whether Jesus, or the story of Jesus, was/is a Legend. Thus making four instead of three "L" options. The argument is also called the "Trilemma" Argument. Adding the fourth "L," some have called it a "Quadrilemma."

Here's VIDEO and TEXT links to C.S. Lewis' essay: Modern Theology and Biblical Criticism. It also goes by the title, Fern-Seed and Elephants

C. S. Lewis - Fern Seed and Elephants

Link to the text here:

OR here: https://web.archive.org/web/20121107160310/https://orthodox-web.tripod.com/papers/fern_seed.html

What Paulogia Gets Wrong About the Maximal Data Case for the Resurrection

Dr. Lydia McGrew recently discussed whether the 'Maximal Data Case' is better than the 'Minimal Facts Argument' for the Resurrection of Jesus. Paulogia responded in his video titled: Christian Scholar Exposes Minimal Resurrection Facts. The first half of the video was fantastic. The second half of the video...well, Paulogia attempted to critique maximal data and it wasn't good. In this video Erik Manning is joined with Dr. Jonathan McLatchie, Tim McGrew and Lydia McGrew to review Paulogia's criticism. 

What Paulogia Gets Wrong About the Maximal Data Case for the Resurrection